Friday, December 16, 2022



Hello, this is Brian's wife checking in for him. It is hard to believe it has been 15(?) years since he started this blog to share information about his bout with colon cancer.  Since then,  I have followed two non- profits...  the Colon Cancer Alliance  which, among other things, helps patients and their families to connect with others for support and shared information. The other is Compassion & Choices, which advocates for terminally I'll people to control the manner and time of death. Having watched Brian's struggle, and my mother's (also with cancer), it is something in which I firmly believe. I will note that Brian would never have used the option to end his life; but it would be nice to know the option was there

I do not want this blog to go dormant. Until I archive it, I will continue to add periodic updates.   Please read Brian's entries! They are informative, and personal (relatively), and a real tribute to an incredible man. 

Be well!