Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sailing Into Summer

It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted but that’s all good. I did quite well with my ¾ dose, so much so that Robbie, David and I took a short trip to the Cape during my “off” week. There, we loaded up on the Cape’s three food groups – lobster, clam chowder and ice cream – and I even put on a few pounds! Last week, I did a full dose and it has again gone quite well (and all my numbers look excellent!) So, in short, things have turned around miraculously and I am looking forward to a pleasant summer – as I am sure you all are as well.

One little tidbit for you, though. For the first time, I actually saw a classic NYPD foot chase. While waiting for treatment, Robbie and I took a walk around the neighborhood and, while waiting to cross 54th Street at Lexington Ave in mid-afternoon, we suddenly saw a guy being chased down the street by a second guy, with three uniformed cops shortly behind them. The chaser, who was evidently an undercover cop, tackled the guy about 100 feet up the block from us and the three uniforms pounced on them within seconds. So, after all these years, and the thousands of versions of the classic police chase we’ve see on TV, we witnessed the real thing! Of course, we’ll never know what it was all about; was the undercover on a stakeout? Was he posing as a tourist and got pick-pocketed? Maybe a drug deal? It’s hard to say, but, broad daylight in an extremely safe area of NYC makes me wonder that much more.

In any event, I hope you all had a great 4th of July and have lots of fun planned for the coming months. FYI – the picture is from this trip to the Cape. BB