Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Round 31

I went yesterday for my re-scheduled Round 31, having had new blood work done on Monday. My liver function readings are back down - just under the maximum in the range. I did have a very large spike in another test, called CPK, which is an indicator of muscle or heart damage. After discussing it with Dr. S, we decided to go ahead with treatment anyway. I think the issue with my CPK probably reflects the fact that I have been going to the gym almost every day this month to "pump some iron". The reading probably just relates to me using a lot of muscles that have been relatively inactive for the last year. In any event, I am very happy to have passed the test and gotten treatment.
As an aside, I think the extra week off really was a rest I needed. I actually feel pretty good and didn't even get nauseous in the chair. I think the combination of working out and getting a week delay in treatment has made me stronger than I was before. It has, however, reminded me that I do have a serious condition. The year of stability sort of lulled me into a sense of security. That led me to put off some things that I should have taken care of already. So, it's a good shot across the bow.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Round 30 and (almost) 31

Well, I haven’t blogged in quite a while. The holidays were full of friends and family and birthday parties (for both me and David who turned 14). I had chemo round 30 on December 28th and it went as usual.

Unfortunately, I went for Round 31 yesterday and, after a 2 hour wait to see my onc, I found out that I failed my liver function blood test. My levels were several times higher than the acceptable maximum. So, they took a little extra blood to do a few extra tests – like a hepatitis check – and sent me home. I will try again next week and, hopefully, my levels will return to normal. I’m not sure if this is a sign of things to come or just a bump in the road. We’ll see.